SUDO Sudoku is a very simple puzzle game to pass the time. The objective of any sudoku game is to fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9, in a way that every column, row and 3x3 subareas contains a different number. Depending on the difficulty level selected (easy, medium, and hard), the grid will have more or fewer guiding numbers. The program will generate a random puzzle every time you select "New" game, so you can never get bored. The games can be saved to continue them later and you can also type your own numbers to check sudokus of magazines and newspapers.
The program allows you to check every square of the grid or just a certain square, and it will tell you if any of the numbers is in the wrong position. Moreover, if you are stuck, you can also ask for a hint, which will reveal one of the numbers. Unfortunately, the program offers very simple graphics, no sounds, and no music, and the user interface isn't very attractive.
All in all, SUDO Sudoku is just a simple game which may help you spend the time when you are bored, but you will definitely find better similar sudoku games out there.